Caring for Your Hair After a Transplant

Hair transplant is getting a life-changing treatment. People use to undergo hair transplanting treatments because they need to improve the texture of hair which becomes thin and want to improve their appearance. If you adopt a healthy diet and proper hair care routine while in your recovery period, it will give you the look that you desired.

When you have a hair restoration treatment, it is necessary to take good care of your treated area after the treatment. For making your hair transplant effective and perfect, you should consult your practitioner for asking the proper diet and aftercare plan that will be prescribed to you according to your health and treatment. This blog post will cover all information about Caring for Your Hair after a Transplant and other factors related to a hair transplant. Read more for further knowledge.

Hair Transplant:

First of all, it is important to know about hair transplantation and how it performs. Generally, it is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed for restoring hair in effective ways. There are two techniques that are performed for transplanting hair, one is FUE as an extraction method of hair follicles and inserts at the bald or empty area and another one is FUT that is known as the strip method. Both are effective methods and provide long-lasting results but FUE is more advanced as compare to FUT.

According to our clinic, the practitioner will examine the area in the initial consultation session where your hair condition will be check and recommend you a suitable solution. It is important to fulfil the candidacy criteria for hair transplant and you will obtain desired results.

The Results:

The SKN cosmetics will deliver long-lasting and effective results. Sometimes, it depends on person to person because some patients obtained complete results within 8 to 12 months and few of them get it later. So, it is necessary to have a patience level for obtaining satisfying results. There are two important factors for getting desired outcomes, one is to choose an experienced dermatologist for your treatment and the other one is to take good care of your scalp and treated area.


There are a lot of benefits to having a hair transplant once in your life. The major aim of this treatment is to change your appearance and life. Some of the common benefits are mentioned below:

  • It is a minimally invasive procedure.
  • The new growth of hair will appear natural.
  • Results will remain for the long term.
  • Safest and effective treatment.
  • Advanced and Painless process.
  • Boost up the self-confidence.

    Aftercare Instructions:

Generally, it is very important to Caring for Your Hair after a Transplant because if you care for them they will get better and grow well but if you don’t then it will get worst. According to SKN cosmetics, the dermatologist will prescribe you some important aftercare instructions related to your surgery and hair. It will strictly advise you to follow the instructions or do not blame that you have the worst treatment. Moreover, the important factor about obtaining complete results is to take good care during the healing process. Some of the common instructions are mentioned below.

What to Do?

There are few instructions that are must do after the hair transplant, these are mentioned below:

  • A patient should take a rest after the hair transplant because it is almost 6 to 8 hours of surgery and it must get tired of the candidate. So, it’s better to take a rest and relax.
  • The infection is rare but you should take prescribed antibiotics for prevention, avoid dirt, dust, sweat or bacteria for the scalp because if they get to enter into the treated area, it will harm the scalp.
  • Do report your practitioner about redness, pain or swelling.
  • The risk of swelling is normal at the start of the healing process and it can be solved by using ice packs because it is temporary and usually appear on the forehead.
  • You should sleep with a straight position of the head at least for 3 to 5 nights. Use a customize neck pillow or try to sleep on the opposite side of grafted area.
  • If you feel any type of pain, you should take painkillers to comfy yourself and pain-free.
  • Take shower after few days of the procedure because it is not good to leave the scalp area full of blood clots and medication etc.

    What to Avoid?

There are also few instructions that are must be better to avoid or they will harm the scalp treated area. These are mentioned as following:

  • Do not touch the scalp area, rub the treated area or scratch because it will get worst and start bleeding. So, itching is normal and try to avoid doing such activities just for few days.
  • Don’t wash your hair at least for 24 to 48 hours.
  • Try to avoid physical activities like manual effort, bending or lifting.
  • Avoid going out in direct sunlight because it will affect your scalp badly. So, the sweating will not happen.
  • Try to avoid plucking hair and gently apply hair products with a smooth hand.
  • Don’t try to dye your hair right after the coming weeks because it has different chemicals that can easily affect your scalp badly.
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol because it will affect your healing process.
  • Do not take other medications or without asking your dermatologist.
  • Stop taking blood thinners, it will affect the healing process and it will not stop the bleeding even after the procedure.

    All Summed Up!

Therefore, a hair transplant is an effective procedure and safest that can easily provide long-lasting and natural results. We hope that the provided tips and instructions will be helpful for your and if you want to discuss more hair transplanting procedure and care tips then feel free to consult SKN cosmetics for more details.