Teeth whitening in Islamabad

Smiling is an important part of our personality because it’s the first and only impression, and beautiful pearly white teeth make the smile prettier.

That’s why we are always clamoring and in search of the latest teeth whitening paste and products to boost up our confidence and self-esteem level. But if you have yellowish and dull teeth then consider Teeth whitening in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan.

What is Teeth Whitening in Islamabad?

Every one wants a Hollywood white smile but unfortunately, our teeth get yellowish and dirty with the passage of time. No matter how much we clean, floss and brush them, it’s hard to properly clean, maintain its white color and shine.

But you can reverse the discoloration of your teeth by considering Teeth Whitening Treatment. As considering it is, as simple as visiting the dentist.

Teeth whitening is performed by a team of specialized, professional, and expert dentists who deal with their patients on an individual basis.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Teeth Whitening

The cost of teeth whitening in Islamabad ranges from 5,000 to 30,000 rupees depending upon the teeth condition of the patient, dentist’s experience, and clinic reputation. Some individuals who suffer from extra yellow teeth will pay different from standard rates.
There are two dominant ways to get white teeth i.e. local remedies or Teeth whitening treatment. However local remedies include baking soda or salts etc. that can help in whitening your teeth but not completely. It’s better to visit dentist for the best teeth whitening practice without any complications.
In short no. It’s the safest procedure that doesn’t carry risks but people who face dental problems can consult their Dentist first to avoid complications. Besides this, anyone who is willing to improve their teeth can get this treatment.
Teeth whitening practice isn’t a painful procedure but some sensitivity or slight discomfort can be felt by the patient after treatment which will go away within some time.
Teeth whitening treatment isn’t a permanent approach. Results can last up to a few months depending upon the maintenance care. To attain long-lasting results it’s better to avoid diet that causes staining i.e. tea, coffee, etc. However, people can get touch-up sessions too.

Types of Teeth Whitening Treatment:

Following are the types of these techniques:

  • Laser teeth whitening
  • Zoom teeth whitening

Results of Teeth Whitening:

If you cautiously follow the dentist’s instructions and take the medications on time then you will be able to have outstanding and permanent results.

Teeth Whitening in Islamabad Before and After

Aims of the Procedure:

Following are the objective of the teeth whitening procedure:

  • Your smile will brighten and become more beautiful.
  • Your self-esteem and pride will boost up.
  • Your physical or overall beauty will be enhanced.
  • Your personality will become more appealing and attractive than before.
  • Your teeth won’t be harmed or damaged by teeth whitening treatment.

Qualified Candidates:

Before going for the procedure, it’s important for you to know whether you are a good candidate or not. Following are the requirements to become a qualified candidate to get the Whitening Treatment:

Your teeth should be healthy.
Your teeth should be a yellowish color.
You are aware of the realistic results of the teeth whitening procedure.
You shouldn’t have undergone dental filling or teeth restoration treatment before.
You should be overall healthy.

If you fulfill all the above-mentioned conditions then you are a perfect candidate to consider the Laser Teeth whitening in Islamabad, Rawalpindi & Pakistan.

Pre-Operative Guidelines of Teeth Whitening:

Following are the pre-operative guidelines of this procedure:

  • You will have to follow the diet plan recommended by the dentist.
  • You will have to be careful about the intake of the prescribed medications on time.
  • You will also have to keep an ice pack at home for relieving your teeth pain.
  • Remember to wear loose clothes on the day of the procedure.

The procedure of Teeth Whitening :

  • After consulting the dentist, he will start the procedure by cleaning your teeth. If you are considering laser teeth whitening, then the procedure will take almost 30 minutes to complete.
  • But if you are getting Zoom teeth whitening, then the procedure is more intense. After cleaning your teeth, your gums will be protected with a barrier, and the gel applied to your teeth. Afterward, it’s activated with the help of a zoom lamp.
  • After achieving the desired teeth whiteness, the protective barrier is removed. This Teeth whitening procedure will take almost an hour to complete the desired results.
  • After an hour, you will be able to walk out of the SKN Cosmetic Surgery Islamabad with a shiny and white smile.

Post-Operative Guidelines of Procedure:

Following are the post-operative guidelines of this procedure:

  • If you feel bruising or bleeding then you will have to use ice packs for relief.
  • You may feel a little bit of pain during the procedure so you will have to properly take prescribed medications on time.
  • The dentist will also recommend you to take the prescribed diet.
  • Take rest suggested by the dentist.

Recovery Time-Period:

  • If you carefully and properly follow the instructions of the dentist then your recovery and healing process will be less as compared to the actual time.

Teeth Whitening

The cost of teeth whitening in Islamabad ranges from 5,000 to 30,000 rupees depending upon the teeth condition of the patient, dentist’s experience, and clinic reputation. Some individuals who suffer from extra yellow teeth will pay different from standard rates.
There are two dominant ways to get white teeth i.e. local remedies or Teeth whitening treatment. However local remedies include baking soda or salts etc. that can help in whitening your teeth but not completely. It’s better to visit dentist for the best teeth whitening practice without any complications.
In short no. It’s the safest procedure that doesn’t carry risks but people who face dental problems can consult their Dentist first to avoid complications. Besides this, anyone who is willing to improve their teeth can get this treatment.
Teeth whitening practice isn’t a painful procedure but some sensitivity or slight discomfort can be felt by the patient after treatment which will go away within some time.
Teeth whitening treatment isn’t a permanent approach. Results can last up to a few months depending upon the maintenance care. To attain long-lasting results it’s better to avoid diet that causes staining i.e. tea, coffee, etc. However, people can get touch-up sessions too.

Consultation with Best Dentist in Islamabad:

If you have yellowish teeth and want to have permanent white teeth, then feel free to consult the SKN Best Dentist Islamabad to consider Teeth whitening Islamabad & Rawalpindi.