Grab the limited new year offer - Get rid of your double chin

Do you have a double chin?

Do you have fullness under your chin?

Is it not going away despite changes in your eating habits?

The condition of a double chin may persist due to several reasons result as genetics, loose skin, or weight gain. It is also a common and prevalent problem in Pakistani society. This condition is also known as submental adiposity, and you can get the best treatment for double chin removal in Islamabad at SKN Cosmetics. But for the perfect antidote, you first need to understand what procedures are involved in double chin treatment and what it means for your well-being. SKN Cosmetics is offering 2023 new year deals for various plastic surgery treatments. Grab the limited new year offer – Get rid of your double chin. 

What is Submental Adiposity?

A double chin is referred to in science as submental adiposity, or submental fat. The best initial treatment method for excess fat is diet and exercise. But even with a balanced diet and regular exercise, chin and neck fat can be difficult to lose. At SKN Cosmetics, we treat a lot of people who have successfully shed a significant amount of weight through sensible eating and regular exercise, but who are still struggling with submental fat. You have various options for a slimmer neck and face.

Kybella Injections:

Most people prefer to get non-invasive treatments. SKN Cosmetics in Islamabad is now offering the first non-surgical solution for your double chin. Kybella injections destroy fat cells when injected in the fat cells into the submental region. It’s possible that other areas of the body will use Kybella in the future. Using it for anything other than submental fat is currently regarded as off-label. You will get this injection after getting numbing cream on the chin. You may experience swelling, redness, pain, and firmness within the injection site. You will experience these effects for a few days. Then they will subside. This happens because the medication is destroying the fat cells. You will get the amazing benefits in 2 or 3 sessions but some people only require 1 session for excellent results to appear.


This alternative uses a method called cryolipolysis, in which the fat cells are frozen and destroyed by being exposed to shallow temperatures. In addition to other problem areas like the stomach, thighs, back, and more, CoolSculpting can be used to reduce fat under the chin. When concentrating only on the submental region, treatment sessions last about 45 minutes. The duration of the sessions will increase if more body parts are being treated.

Submental Liposuction:

The best method for getting rid of your double chin may be liposuction if you want quick results and don’t mind having minor surgery. Liposuction is a simple one-hour procedure that may only require local anesthesia but physically removes the fat under your chin. Although there will be some swelling and bruising after the procedure, since there was only one surgery required, your body will recover quickly, leaving you with a newly defined jawline.

Laser Treatment:

Although it’s sometimes referred to as “laser surgery,” laser treatment actually involves using a guided laser to melt the fat tissues just below the skin. The advantages of laser treatments include short recovery times, the use of only local anesthesia during the procedure, and quick treatment times.

Cost of Double Chin Removal:

The cost of double chin removal in Islamabad is PKR 12,000. This is all because of the new year offer. Now enjoy a glamorous look with these methods.

Book Your Consultation:

Don’t let another day of frustration be brought on by your double chin. To find the most effective strategy for eliminating your double chin, get in touch with the skilled dermatologists at SKN Cosmetics Islamabad. A number of the procedures mentioned here are available at SKN Cosmetics Islamabad, along with advice on lifestyle modifications that can help your face look its best.