gastric plication cost in Islamabad

Gastric Plication in Islamabad, Pakistan is a type of restrictive weight loss surgery that reduces the capacity of the stomach to hold food. It is a minimally invasive technique that reduces the stomach capacity to 3 ounces. People eat unless they feel full but this surgery will restrict your eating as now your stomach cannot hold much. You will have to subside your capacity to eat more because the capacity of your stomach has already been lessened. SKN Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Islamabad is now delighted to give you an affordable Gastric Plication Cost in Islamabad without any adverse effects that are customarily associated with the procedure.

What is Gastric Plication:

This is a type of procedure that employs laparoscopic techniques. This procedure results in less scarring and faster recovery than other procedures. Your hospital stay will be for 3 to 4 days but the time of recovery may vary for everyone. It is a non-surgical method for treating obesity; an endoscopic weight loss technique makes use of an endoscope. A doctor can see your digestive tract better with the aid of an endoscope, which is a small, flexible tube. Surgery carries more danger, but endoscopic techniques are thought to be far safer.

Ideal Candidates:

This procedure is recommended only for those whose:
  • BMI is greater than 30. But usually, it is recommended for those who have a BMI of >40.
  • If the patient has obesity that is unresponsive to diet and exercise
  • Candidates must have realistic expectations
  • You are fit: both physically as well as mentally
  • You are non-smoker


Following are the advantages of gastric plication:
  • There is no gastric bypass-style intestinal rerouting
  • It does not require the placement of a banding device to band a part of the stomach.
  • In contrast to gastric banding, no modifications are required.
  • Contrary to gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy, the procedure may be reversible.
  • You are able to reduce weight up to 55% or more.
It has the same success rate as compared to other weight loss procedures.


  • Like every other procedure, this surgery also requires you to prepare yourself prior.
  • You will be required to have a complete medical examination comprising every test and exam
  • You must undergo a proper consultation procedure with your performing surgeon


Laparoscopic surgery includes plication as a subtype.
  • This procedure entails that rather than making a major incision in the belly of the patient, the doctor instead makes tiny incisions to implant trochanters.
  • Through laparoscopy, the risk of problems during surgery is reduced.
  • The surgeon cuts a fold in the patient’s stomach and sews the ends together under the guidance of the monitor.
  • This fold is covered by another and stitched once more.
  • This can diminish the stomach’s capacity by as much as 70%. The patient experiences fullness earlier as a result of this than they otherwise would have.
  • As a result of being unable to consume as much as before, they lose weight quickly.
  • After gastric plication, patients also notice a decrease in their appetite as the release of hunger hormone is also reduced.

Recovery and Diet after surgery:

You start by adhering to a strict liquid diet that consists primarily of protein drinks and related foods. A gentle food regimen is subsequently introduced (including easy-to-eat foods, like oatmeal, bananas, and soft-cooked rice).
  • You’ll start taking supplements and following a restricted diet
  • Making exercise a priority in your life is necessary.
  • There may be alterations to your personal relationships that you hadn’t anticipated earlier.

Who Performs Gastric Plication?

Gastric plication surgery is performed by bariatric surgeons or general surgeons. They are specialized in bariatrics. This field has specifically been designed to find the causes, effects, and treatments regarding obesity and weight gain. Although this procedure is not being offered by all provider, we at SKN Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Islamabad offers it as this is one of the major treatments for weight loss.
 Gastric Sleeve Surgery Vs. Gastric Plication
Procedure Gastric Sleeve Surgery Gastric Plication

Method of Weight Loss

  • Restrictive
  • The release of hunger hormone is reduced
  • Restrictive
  • The release of hunger hormone is reduced
  • Surgery Description
  • Pouch creation
  • Intestines are not bypassed
  • No malabsorption of nutrients or dumping
  • Laparoscope is used
  • Use of Calibration tube
  • The stomach is folded by dissolvable sutures
  • Expectations 60-70% reduction in 2 years 70% in one year
  • Recovery time 2-3 weeks 2 weeks


Gastric Plication Cost in Islamabad may vary but it is affordable and not very expensive. A few factors that may affect the cost are:
  • The location of the faculty or clinic
  • The skills of the operating surgeon
  • The experience of the surgeon
  • The condition of the client also affects the cost i.e. the physical parameters of the candidate and weight
  • This procedure is not covered by insurance plans
  • This procedure helps in solving obesity-related conditions. Also, the rate of complications is low as well as it is reversible. Hence, it is becoming the procedure of choice for weight loss among patients who seek Bariatric Surgery.

Book Your Appointment:

If you want to get rid of excess fat and obesity then you can come in contact with our team. All you have to do is to contact us directly by calling us or filling out the form below as Gastric Plication Cost in Islamabad is affordable.